An Overcomplicated Blog

I learn best through hands-on practice, especially with technology. This website serves as both a proof of concept and a platform to document my software development journey.

we all start somewhere

The first time we do anything, it will not be perfect

I’ve always felt I wasn’t good enough to complete anything. Fear of failure has held me back, whether in completing tasks or standing up for myself. My internal critic whispers, “Someone isn’t going to like that. Are you sure that’s okay?” While these cautious thoughts are healthy, they can’t define who I am if I let them. But at the end of the day, I continually tell myself, “just do it”—and then iterate on it.

Each iteration improves upon the last, giving us a foundation to build from rather than starting fresh. This website initially began as a pure React site using Gatsbyjs, but it felt overengineered. While React proved powerful for our single-page applications managing fuel supply chains, it was overkill for a static content site—like using a sports car to haul groceries. After some research, I discovered astro and knew immediately it was the perfect tool for building this site.

to be continued…